Corrado Grillo

Collegati con Corrado Grillo (Linkedin)
Collegati con Corrado Grillo (Linkedin)
Collegati con Corrado Grillo (Linkedin)
Aggiungi ai contatti (VCard)

Coautore del volume AA.VV., “Commento al codice dei contratti pubblici relativi a lavori, servizi e forniture – D.Lg. 12 aprile 2006, n. 163”, a cura di M. Sanino, Torino, I (2006) e II (2008) edizione, UTET

Collaboratore nella redazione del testo di M. Sanino, “Le fondazioni bancarie: ultimo atto?”, 2004, Torino, Giappichelli

Brevi note sulla natura degli anticipi a carico dell’utente nei contratti con le Società telefoniche, sulla loro fruttuosità e normativa a tutela dei consumatori”, pubblicato in Temi Romana, 1999, p. 251

La prescrizione del diritto del professionista alla percezione del compenso”, pubblicato in Temi Romana, 1998, p. 978

Le assunzioni obbligatorie”, pubblicato in Temi Romana, 1998, p. 989

He has always dealt with the M&A sector and  in general with the implementation of complex and structured extraordinary finance transactions. He assists private equity funds and  institutional investors in investment transactions, corporate reorganization, creation of strategic alliances and divestment.

The business crisis is part of its expertise: it helps companies to manage difficult situations and get out of them, also with bankruptcy plans and procedures aimed at the recovery of the company.

Commercial contracts as well as the management and protection of assets as  well as the planning and management of generational transitions also fall within its specific scope of activity.

He also follows companies in the litigation phase  before Courts and Tribunals.

He is of counsel of Studio Notarile Castellini, based in Rome, Via Orazio n. 31, for extraordinary corporate transactions, such as acquisitions, mergers and demergers, reorganizations and restructuring of corporate groups.

He graduated laude in Law in  1996 at the University La Sapienza of Rome and in 2013 the title of PhD in Corporate Law at the University of Salento – Lecce.Until 2004 he trained and carried out his professional activity at BN&A Associati (Prof. Mario Bussoletti and Prof. Antonio Nuzzo),  to move later, starting from 2004, to Studio Grillo. Since 2020 he is also a member of the legal area of the Merger Advisors network. Since 1999 he has been a member of the Rome Bar Association and is qualified to practice before the Court of Cassation and other Superior Courts.