
The founder and patriarch of the firm is Girolamo Grillo, born in Palermo on March 18, 1861. After graduating in law with full honors from the University of Palermo, from November 1884 he practiced in Agrigento until 1887, when he moved to Rome for military volunteering.

In Rome, in October 1888, he began to collaborate in the law firm of Avv. Pascale, where he was highly valued by Prince Odescalchi, who appointed him legal attorney of his administration, with accommodation in the Castle of Bracciano.

In a short time the reputation of Avv. Girolamo Grillo grew up among the Roman nobility and Prince Altieri also appointed him for legal assistance to protect his interests for several of his properties.

The family law firm then began to grow and Girolamo was joined by his sons Mario and Tullio. He was also joined by his eldest son Goffredo, who then died in war on October 24, 1917 near Tolmino, being awarded the Laurea Onoris Causa.

In addition to the family firm, Mario became a Senior Lawyer in the legal department of the General Management of the Bank of Italy in Rome. With the outbreak of the Second World War he volunteered to leave for the Russian front from which unfortunately he did not return (receiving in 1942 the Gold Medal Honoris Causa from the Council of the Bar Association of Rome).

After receiving the Gold Medal for 50 years of profession as dean of the Order, Girolamo died in Rome on March 18, 1954, the day of his 93rd birthday.

After the death of Girolamo, the law firm was directed by his son Tullio, who continued to work under the Odescalchi reacheing the position of Honorary Vice Magistrate.

Tullio was also awarded the Gold Medal for 50 years of profession by the Council of the Order of Rome.

Together with Tullio, since 1936, his brother Giuseppe has followed in the footsteps of the family, who in 1967 moved the Studio to its current headquarters in Viale Giuseppe Mazzini n. 55.

Giuseppe Grillo carried the law firm into a new phase destined to reach, through the work of his sons Lucio and Camillo, the present day.

After the death of his father Giuseppe in 1996 and his brother Lucio in 2003, Camillo Grillo – current senior partner of the Firm – carried on the family history that is enriched at the beginning of the new millennium with the addition of his children Michela, Corrado and Francesco.

Together they have been able to create a close-knit group of professionals who, in sharing the spirit of legal activity as a combination of tradition and modernity, passionately work toward the same mission: to seek solutions, carry out projects and protect rights. In a word, to be lawyers.

Have been part of the Firm

– Girolamo Grillo (Racalmuto 1861 – Rome 1954)

awarded the gold medal by the Council of the Order of Rome for 50 years of professional practice

Goffredo Grillo (Rome 1892 – Tolmin 1917 died in the war)

– Mario Grillo (Rome 1899 – 1942 declared missing in Russia)

awarded the gold medal by the Council of the Order of Rome in memory

– Tullio Grillo (Rome 1901 – Rome 1976)

awarded the gold medal by the Council of the Order of Rome for 50 years of professional practice and conciliatory judge for 35 years

– Giuseppe Grillo (Rome 1905 – Rome 1996)

awarded the gold medal by the Council of the Order of Rome for 50 years of professional practice

– Lucio Grillo (Rome 1936 – Rome 2003)

Studio Legale Grillo & Partners
Viale G. Mazzini, 55
00195 Roma
T: (+39) 06 32609900


The Firm boasts a centuries-old tradition, having started operating in Rome in 1889; Tradiance and modernity are its distinctive features: the forensic experience accumulated over decades of professional activity has amalgamated over time with the drive for innovation of successive generations of professionals.
Advice and assistance are our daily activities. The activity of litigation is imane in the DNA of the Firm, through judicial assistance before Courts and Courts, also of higher courts.
We include among our clients companies and public bodies of national importance as well as companies and private entities, such as banks, large and medium-sized enterprises, religious orders and even private citizens.
